Corrigan's Quest - Uni Webgame Assignment

I created these sprites and pixel art backgrounds for an interactive web game I built for a uni assignment. I went with an RPG style webgame where the story progressed through a dialogue system and the players choices.

Using pixel art and retro 16bit music, I attempted to craft a story that focused on the world and its existing characters and history. I wrote the script and coded it, however, I bit off more than I could chew when I tried to make a 20 minute+ long game. Despite writing a fairly long script and creating art for all of the characters/areas/enemies, I didn't get to finish coding all of the storylines before the deadline. It was a very fun project though, and I thoroughly enjoyed working on this world.

I created all of the art in Aseprite (my first time trying pixel art :)).

Characters + Backgrounds + UI

Item Sprites
